GOMO Kids Tricycles for 2 Year Olds 3 Year Olds & Kids 1-6 Big Wheels Baby Bike Toddler Bikes - Trikes for Toddlers with Push Handle Pink/Teal
- AND THEY’RE OFF WITH GOMO! While other kids toddle around on their boring old red tricycle, your toddler will be racing off on their super cool pink....
- GROWS WITH THEM: The seat sits 14” from the ground so they can push, and it slides forward by 1.5 inch so their little legs can reach the pedals....
- HELPS KIDS LEARN SAFE SPEED: Some toddler bikes have slippery seats and handles, reducing traction for speed. But our unique handlebars with kid-safe....
- WHAT PARENTS ALSO LOVE: GOMO trikes for toddler riders have a handy basket so kids can hold their own toys instead of you! The push handlebar is a....
- 1-YEAR WARRANTY: Packed with safety features, cool looks, and top-quality components. The GOMO Tricycle for 1 year olds (up to 5 or 6 yrs) is....