LOTUSWEI Inspired Action Flower Essence Elixir – Enhance Focus, Concentration, Mental Clarity & Creativity – Flower Remedy Supplement
- Delicious honey elixir infused with flower essences. Enjoy 5 drops sublingually 5 times each day regularly until bottle is finished.
- or put a dropperful (approx. 25 drops) in your water bottle each morning and drink throughout the day..
- Flower remedy to help you focus, concentrate, and increase mental clarity and creativity.
- MAGNIFIES: Motivation, drive, follow through, decisiveness, fearless creativity, innovation, intuition, synchronicity, tackling your big goals, finishing projects.
- DISSOLVES: Procrastination, lack of follow through, feeling stuck, writer's block, indecision, projects left undone, distracted mind.
- FEEL A DIFFERENCE: Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts 3-4 weeks, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children over 12 months of age..