Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover- Strips 15+ Layers of Paint, Environmentally Friendly, Non-Toxic, Safe, No Hazardous Fumes, No Foul Smells (1 Gallon)
- ... Used on landmarks, museums, historic buildings, opera houses, and homes worldwide..
- Satisfaction Guaranteed - Ideal for Painting Contractors and DYI Homeowners. Do it yourself, with Dumond..
- Does not contain methylene chloride, any caustics, or toxic chemicals. It is odor-free and safe for the environment.
- This paint stripper is exceptional for the safe removal of lead-based paint and is excellent for intricate, carved, or molded surfaces.
- It is also outstanding for removing marine paints without damaging the gel coat.
- Because it is a paste, the Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover paint stripper can easily be applied by brush, roller or conventional airless sprayer.
- A revolutionary paint remover that is safe for the user, the substrate and the environment.