B11726-06 0130F00010 Flame Sensor Replacement for GDT115-5B PGB030050-1A PGB036075-3 GMT070-4B GMT070-3B GMPN080-4 B1172606 0488501 ACS90453BXA P1257001F P1257007F
- [0130F00010 Spec.]:Burner flame sensor rod 0130F00010,3.8"L in total,exposed metal end measures 2"..
- [Burner flame sensor 0130F00010]:Furnace Burner Flame Sensor 0130F00010 detects when the burner flame has ignited and sends a signal to the control....
- [Directly Replaces]:B1172606,B11726-06,L38035,20488501..
- [Fix Symptoms]:If your furnace turns on lights and then shuts off shortly thereafter, it’s probably your flame sensor should be replaced..
- [Flame Sensor 0130F00010]:Fit Furnace Burner Models....