Permaculture Playing Cards
- ...zer, Bill Mollison, Ruth Stout, Masanobu Fukuoka, Mike Oehler, Art Ludwig.
- Greywater, Rocket Mass Heater, Hugelkultur, Bamboo, Allan Savory, Willie Smits, Fungi, Jean Pain.
- Natural Swimming Pool, Chickens, Pigs, Ben Law, Electric Tractor, Honey Bees, Mason Bees, Trees.
- Food Preservation, Compost, Wildcrafting, Food as Medicine, Food Forest, Solar Food DehydratorDescriptionWhile these are fully functional poker cards, their primary purpose is to show people the rich diversity of permaculture. Permaculture embraces gardening well beyond organic, plus natural building, greening the deserts, alternative energy, feeding the world and blazing a trail for less toxic living..
- These cards were created with the idea of "what would be a great holiday gift that I could give to my friends and family that thinks my permaculture lifestyle is crazy. Something they would enjoy, and that might make me seem less crazy and it's a stocking stuffer too!".