OMAX 2.0MP Digital USB Microscope Camera with Advanced Software and Calibration Slide (Windows 8 & 10, Mac OS X, Linux Compatible)
- Image sensor: Aptina color CMOS: Resolution: 1600x1200 pixels (2.0M pixels): Pixel size: 3.2um x 3.2 um.
- SNR: 43dB: Dynamic Range 61dB: Frame speed: 16fps at 1600x1200, 50fps at 800x600: Interface: USB 2.0 only.
- Reduction lens: 0.5X, fit to 23.2mm eyepiece tube: 0.01 mm calibration slide: 1mm/100 division: Adapters fit 30mm and 30.5mm eyepiece tubes: Dimensions: phi63mmx37mm (no reduction lens).