Audioquest - Dragonfly RED - USB Stick DAC and DragonTail For Android Devices Bundle
- Dragonfly RED Delivers cleaner, clearer, more naturally detailed music to headphones, powered speakers, and complete audio systems.
- Dragonfly RED Employs high-performance ESS 9016 minimum-phase, 32-bit decoding and onboard bit-perfect digital volume control for the lowest possible....
- Dragonfly RED High output (2.1 volts) drives a wide range of moderate- to high-efficiency headphones.
- DragonTail's signal-carrying conductors are controlled for digital-audio directionality for more engaging, "3D" sound. Like all AudioQuest cables,....
- Play all music fi les: MP3 to high-res Compatible with Apple and Windows PCs, as well as iOS and Android devices (requires Apple Camera Adapter or....