Gomarty A33-K55 A41-K55 A42-K55 Battery for ASUS X55 X55A X55C X55U X55V X55VD X75 X75A X75V X75VD A45 A55 A75 K45 K55 K75 K55A K55VD K55VM K55N R400 R500 R500A R500V R700 6 Cell
- Gomarty:100% Brand NEW,Battery Type: Li-ion Voltage: 10.8V Capacity: 5200MAH Cells: 6-cell Color: Black,High Quality Battery for ASUS.
- Battery Models: A32-K55, A33-K55, A41-K55, A42-K55.
- ASUS K45 K45D K45DE K45DR K45N K45V K45VD K45VG K45VM K45VS.
- This laptop Battery works with ASUS A45 A45D A45DE A45DR A45N A45V A45VD A45VG A45VM A45VS.
- ASUS A55 A55A A55D A55DE A55DR A55N A55V A55VD A55VM....
- Grade A cells ensure fast charges and low power consumption.
- Built-in circuit protection ensures both safety and stability.Customer Questions: Any....
- CE-/RoHS-/FCC- Certified and Built-in circuit protection ensure both safety and stability.Fast Shipping from US,best price,best products and best....