65W ASUS Laptop Charger AC Adapter Power Supply Replacement for ASUS EXA0703YH PA-1700-02 X54C X55L X401A X501A X502C X554L X555L A53S A55A U46E U47A U50F U52F U56E U57A Portable Notebook Charger
- Adapter works with asus D550C D550M K52F K52J k53e K55A K501U R510C R554L R556L S300C S400C S400CA S500C S550C TP500L V500C V551L laptop charger..
- Compatible Models: asus A52F A53S A54C A55A K55N K60I K60IJ k501 K501UX K550L Q301L Q500A Q501L Q552U Q552UB S56C X44H X53E X75A X455L X550C AD887320 laptop charger..
- Package includes: 1*AC Adapter & 1*Power Cord.
- Within 30 days of purchase, we offer a no-questions-asked return policy. Additionally, for 12 months from the date of purchase, If the product fails, we will replace it with a new one..