ideayard Rose Quartz Crystal Gua Sha Scraping Massage Tools,Massage Wand Acupuncture Therapy Stick Point Treatment
- ...ion headache and muscle aches in your hand, back, neck, shoulders, legs, and feet, etc. A large head is suitable for large muscle massage and a small head for facial muscle pulling and those hard to reach a small spot..
- Safe and Natural: Made from natural rose quartz(Green Jade/ white jade), after a long time of polishing and polishing, the contact skin is very smooth, easy to clean and dry, to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the tool..
- Widely Used: This scrapping tool is a practical tool for massage and Spa care. Needn’t professional knowledge, just roll to massage your skin or press to relax your muscles. For treatment, massage, reflexology, and energy medicine, good choice of many physical therapists and beauticians..
- What ideayard: All the materials we use are carefully selected every natural jade or rose quart, so our mushroom massage tool is very beautiful. Please contact us at the first time if you meet any problems about product. We will provide the best service, derived from our original brand..