TAIFU 14V AC Adapter for Samsung U28E590D 28 4K UHD LCD Monitor LU28E590DS/ZA LU28E570DS/ZA S27D590CS C27A550U S27D390H S27D590 AD-6314N A4514_DSM A4514_DDY LC27F591FDNXZA 27 Advanced LCD Monitor
- Compalibility - with Samsung IT LC27F591FDNXZA Samsung C27F591 27-Inch Curved Monitor, Samsung S27C590 LS27C590 S27B971 LS27B971 S27B970 LS27B970....
- fit for Samsung Samsung monitor power supply S27a350h S20D340H S22b150 S24b300 TE310 T24E310ND T24E310 LT24E310ND/ZA T24E310KD LT24E310KD/CR T24E310EX....
- Fit forSamsung C27F398 C27F398FW C27F398FWN LC27F398FWNXZA CF591 C27F591FD LC27F591FDNXZA U28E590D LU28E590DS/ZA S27D390H T27B551 LT27B551 T27B550....
- Power Spes: Output Max: 14V 4A 56W (also compatible with 14V 2.86A 40W, 14V 3A 42W, 14V 3.22A, 14V 3.125A 3.2A 45W, 14V 3.5A 49W )/ Input Volt Range:....
- 30 Days Money Back And 3 Year Warranty - we offer a no-questions-asked full money back guarantee within 30 days of purchase. And we will exchange your....